front view of a car at night

Safety Tips for Driving at Night

How to Drive Safely at Night 

Driving at night can be tricky, even for the most seasoned drivers. The darkness brings its own set of challenges, including reduced visibility, glare from oncoming headlights, and the increased likelihood of encountering drowsy drivers. But don’t worry! With the right approach, you can navigate the roads easily after sundown. Wondering how to drive safely at night? Please keep reading and learn about it from our team of experts at Car Pros Kia Renton in Renton, WA.  

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Driving Tips for New Drivers in Renton, WA 

What Are Five Tips for Driving at Night?  

Keep Your Windshield and Mirrors Clean  

Dirty windshields and mirrors can scatter light and create glare, making it harder to see clearly. Before you hit the road at night, take a moment to clean your side mirrors and windshield inside and out.  

Use Your Headlights Wisely  

Your headlights are your best friend when driving at night. But using them correctly is vital. Make sure they’re appropriately aimed, so you’re not blinding oncoming traffic. Low beams are usually enough if you’re driving on a well-lit street. However, switch to high beams on dark roads to extend your vision field.  

Slow Down  

Night driving often means reduced visibility, making it harder to spot hazards quickly. Slowing down a bit when driving after dark is a good idea. This gives you more time to react if something unexpected happens on the road.  

front view of a car being driven at night
a man driving a car at night

Watch Out for Fatigue  

It’s easy to get sleepy when driving at night, especially on long, quiet stretches of road. If you start to feel drowsy, don’t push yourself. Pull over safely to rest or grab a coffee. Better yet, switch drivers if you’re traveling with someone else.   

Keep a Safe Distance  

Tailgating is never a good idea, but it is even riskier at night. Depth perception and visibility are reduced, so judging how close you are to the car in front of you is harder. Keep a greater distance than you would during the day to give yourself ample time to apply brakes if needed.  

Tips for Test Driving a New Car in Renton, WA 

Explore New Kia Cars in Renton, WA!  

It might be time to upgrade if you feel uneasy about your current vehicle’s nighttime performance. At Car Pros Kia Renton, we have a fantastic selection of new Kia models equipped with advanced safety features to make night driving a breeze. You can contact our Renton, WA, team to learn more about these vehicles.  

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